Friday, March 28, 2014

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.  Anne Bradstreet

March 31 to April 4 SPRING BREAK

Mon 3/31  sleep in, enjoy relaxing

Tues 4/1         3:30 Staff Meeting (April fool’s Day)

Wed 4/2          Rest, relax and read…

Thurs 4/3       Go on a hike,

Fri 4/4            Long bike ride…

April 7 to April 11

Mon 4/7          Principal Directed

                     AVID Meeting

Tues 4/8         Student of the Month Luncheon

PBIS Meeting

AVID Meeting

Wed 4/9          Viking Support Center 1/2

                     Glad Trainers in the Building

Thurs 4/10      

Fri 4/11           PTA Spinning Dance

Phone Calls home

If a student is calling home from class for any reason (except illness as they would be sent to the nurse’s office to be assessed), please ask them to make sure to leave a message.  Many times, parent’s call back wanting to know why they got a call and we don’t know.  Please have this conversation with your students.


Many times there are students, staff, parents and/or community members in the office when the intercom is being used.  Please keep that in mind when using it to contact the office.  That being said, please remind your students that when the office calls using the intercom, it is difficult to hear when students begin calling the teachers name.  We will use the phone to contact you if we are unable to reach you with the intercom due to the noise level.


Our school currently has about 9% of our students/parents activated with an EDLINE account.  In order to improve this number, we would like to have a friendly competition during the month of April.  So, please send home the pink activation forms for each student (NOTE, THEY GO TO INDIVIDUAL STUDENT PER LABEL) so they can take home for parent to activate.  Please advertise in your newsletters, get students excited about it and have some fun. The winning classroom is determined by the class with the highest percentage of ACTIVATED EDLINE Accounts by April 30th.  Winning class receives “Donuts with Ms. Stewart”! (Notices will be put in your box on Monday, April 7th)


We had a few rolls of magnetic strip (cut to the size you want) donated and is on the workroom table for your use.  Help yourself!

Staff Lounge

A friendly reminder to please ALWAYS clean the microwave and wash your dishes/utensils after using.  They don’t wash themselves!






Information Technology will be offering an optional choice to teachers – we have designated the HP ProBook 450 as the standard issue laptop, but we are offering an HP EliteBook 840 as an option. It is lighter, a little smaller but does not have an internal CD/DVD drive or 10-key numeric key pad.


So that teachers can make an informed selection, they will be placing one of both laptop models at every school along with some small signs that will explain the key differences and inform them how they can make their choice. (Note: if they want the standard laptop, they don’t have to do anything, but if they want the optional model, they MUST fill out an online form – link provided on the signage). These laptops will be on display in the office after spring break. Any staff member that wants the optional model must fill out the form by April 17th so that we can order the next shipment of computers.


Inventory Heads up!!!

All teacher materials, including Journeys and social studies teacher books and manuals, leveled reader bins, Number Corner bins, Bridges boxes, Read Well boxes, and CMP teacher manuals need to be laid out as above please.  We do not need Bridges teacher manuals or Read Well teacher manuals laid out since the barcodes are on the boxes, (unless you have been sent these manuals separately and they are barcoded individually).


Please ensure that you have all of the above requested materials out and not tucked away in cupboards, boxes, folders, etc. 


All materials need to be laid out by 3:30 on April 22, 2014.  Your time and effort spent preparing your classroom/school for this inventory process is very much appreciated.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


Friday, March 21, 2014

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.  Robert Louis Stevenson
March 24 to March 28 SPIRIT WEEK

Mon 3/24  Individual Planning

                Hawaiian Day

Tues 3/25 Crazy Hair Day

                Early Dismissal 12:46 Student Learning

Wed 3/26  Viking Support Center K

                 Hat / College Day

                 Title I Math and Reading Night 6:00 to 7:30

Thurs 3/27   CSIP Meeting

                   Career Day

Fri 3/28       PTA Walk-a-Thon (more info to come)

Crazy Sock Day / Spinning Wear

March 31 to April 4 SPRING BREAK

Mon 3/31  Sleep in, enjoy relaxing
Tues 4/1         April Fool’s Day
Wed 4/2          Rest, relax and read…
Thurs 4/3 Go on a hike,
Fri 4/4            Long bike ride…

April 7 to April 11

Mon 4/7          Principal Directed

Tues 4/8         PBIS Meeting

AVID Meeting

Wed 4/9          Viking Support Center 1/2

Thurs 4/10      

Fri 4/11           PTA Spinning Dance

Common Core Training is Coming…Take a look at the Staff Development Website.

Print Shop Reminder (Plan ahead)

It's that time of year and the Print Shop would like to get a head start on summer work again this spring so they aren't so swamped in July and August.

That means quick turnaround times AND a chance to get a head start on fall printing needs like kindergarten seatwork and start-up materials for grade-level teams.

Inventory Heads up!!!

All teacher materials, including Journeys and social studies teacher books and manuals, leveled reader bins, Number Corner bins, Bridges boxes, Read Well boxes, and CMP teacher manuals need to be laid out as above please.  We do not need Bridges teacher manuals or Read Well teacher manuals laid out since the barcodes are on the boxes, (unless you have been sent these manuals separately and they are barcoded individually).

Please ensure that you have all of the above requested materials out and not tucked away in cupboards, boxes, folders, etc.  This inventory process is vital to ensuring your school will have the instructional materials they need for the 2014-2015 school year, while also saving money by not ordering items that are already in the buildings.

All materials need to be laid out by 3:30 PM on April 22, 2014.  Your time and effort spent preparing your classroom/school for this inventory process is very much appreciated.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


Please make sure that you have signed up for a time for the Walk-a-Thon for your class.  Please make sure your students are turning in their money and prize coupons for daily drawings.


Friday, March 14, 2014

Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource. 

March 17 to March 21 “Pennies for Patients” all week

Mon 3/17  Grade Level Meetings
                End of 2nd Trimester

Tues 3/18 Safety Meeting
                     KG Registration (evening) 6:00 - 7:30
                1:00 Bullying presentation Primary (MPR)

Wed 3/19  1:45 Drill Team Performance Intermediate
                2:20 Drill Team Performance Primary
                     Viking Support Team 5/6
                7:00 Drill Team Performance KJH

Thurs 3/20       Report cards go home

Fri 3/21           1:00 Bullying presentation Intermediate (MPR)

March 24 to March 28
Mon 3/24  Individual Planning

Tues 3/25 Pizza w/principal
                Early Dismissal 12:46 Student Learning

Wed 3/26  Viking Support Center K/1
                     Title I Math and Reading Night 6:00 to 7:30

Thurs 3/27 CSIP Meeting

Fri 3/28           PTA Walk-a-Thon (more info to come)

Citrix Receiver
Did you know there is a new tool to access TAC from home?   This is a program called Citrix Receiver that installs on your computer one time and allows you to login to a website for access to district resources.  This is the preferred method and should be used with your district-issued laptop when working from home.

The attached document has detailed instructions, but the short and sweet version (if you are technically inclined) is here:

1.    Open Internet explorer, and go to
2.    Log in with your PSD credentials
3.    Download Citrix Receiver from this website and install with defaults
4.    Select the Apps screen and click on the TAC tile
5.    Select “Permit Use” when prompted
6.    Login to TAC

Next time you visit you will be prompted to login and taken directly to the Apps screen. For Help with Remote Access, please call x8600.  If you need help with TAC, call x8600 and press 3.

Bullying presentation

Preparing for this, it will be presented in the MPR.  A video will be played and discussed in terms of our schools 4 B’s. Students will return to class to discuss respect and bullying.  Discussion materials will be provided to teachers on Monday via email.

Pennies for Patients

Money will be collected daily in the morning.  Please be ready for students to come by and collect.  Daily announcements will be made to keep us informed of our progress and what classroom is in the lead.

St. Paddy's Day Fun Run

On March 15th, the Rogers HS choir students, along with the Blue Notes Music Booster Club are hosting their 2nd annual 1K/5K/10K Rogers St. Paddy's Day Fun Run at Pierce College - Puyallup campus. 

Operation Suds
It is now available for the teachers that replied to reserve.  We have a sheet available in the office to sign-up for a time.  It’s only here until Thursday, March 20th.  The pencils and handouts will be put in your box if you signed-up to use it.  We do have some extra handouts/brochures if you wanted to use this unit but did not request it, just ask Barb.

From Our Benefits Office

1.     Think twice about the emergency room. Don’t ever go to the emergency room (ER) when your regular doctor or an urgent care visit would suffice. Receiving treatment at the ER is significantly more expensive than in the doctor’s office or urgent care, and if it’s not truly an emergency the wait time for care can be considerably longer. 

2.     Generic Medications. Generic drugs are copies of brand-name drugs that the FDA has tested and found to have met the same rigid standards as the innovator drug, and often cost significantly less. Check your medications to see if generics are available. For additional savings local retail store pharmacies (Target, Fred Meyer, Walmart) have $4 generic drug programs that are not processed through your insurance. Pick up their $4 generic list next time you’re out shopping!

3.     Consulting Nurse.  You have 24/7 telephonic support from a registered nurse through all Puyallup School District medical plans.  They are available to provide advice and, if necessary, direct you to the best location to receive care.

4.     Don’t skimp on preventive care. Be sure you and your family members get routine checkups and vaccines as needed, both of which can prevent medical problems (and bills) down the road.

5.     Stay in-network. Your medical costs can increase greatly when you visit a provider not in your plan’s network. Make sure your primary care doctor and any specialists you may need to see are in your network whenever possible.

6.     Fight back. If your claim has been denied, start with a phone call to customer service. If that doesn’t work, follow your plan’s appeal process. Document everything and keep copies. Also, look at bills closely as you may find mistakes. Keep track of your visits, tests and medications, and compare them against your bills. Request a corrected bill if you find an error and notify your insurance company.

7.     Choose your health plan wisely. Choosing the plan with the lowest (or highest) premiums, or sticking with the same plan year to year, may not be the smartest option. Anticipate your family’s medical expenses and look closely at each plan option to find the most appropriate and cost-effective one for you.  The Benefit Depots during Open Enrollment provide great assistance!

8.     Live a healthy lifestyle. Focus on eating nutritiously, cutting down on fast food and getting more physical exercise. Striving toward a healthier lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight can drastically reduce future medical conditions and diseases. 

9.     Let’s make a deal. Bargain with doctors, dentist and hospitals to pay less for services, and/or offer to pay in cash. You can routinely save up to 10% on your bill by paying in cash up front. Doctors win by avoiding credit card processing fees, unpaid bills and collection fees!

10.   Utilize carrier discounts.  Regence, Premera, and Group Health offer discounts on vision, dental and alternative health care, gym memberships, nutrition-based weight loss programs, and a number of other tools and resources to support your health, just by being a member! Visit the carrier websites for additional information regarding these perks.

Medical Carrier
Customer Service
Consulting Nurse
Regence BlueShield
Premera BlueCross
Group Health
For non-WEA plans (Group Health and Regence), contact Kibble & Prentice’s Benefit Resource Center for assistance with benefit coverage questions, bill issues, and the appeals process!
   Phone: 866-468-7272            email: